


Genre is important to both the consumer and media producers. This is because the consumer can make many choices about media text they want to consume and media producers can use media text to create something for a specific audience. Examples of these horror, action, comedy, animation, romance, drama, crime and many more.


All genres contain sub-genres which define and categorise the media text. Example of these is horror would have things like serial killers, gore, paranormal and zombie. Another example of this is in a crime genre it could be split down to detective, film noir, heist and mafia.


Mise-en-scene is basically the way in which the props and other things are placed into the frame with the way it is shown and arranged. The frame is organised based on the setting, lighting, costume and staging. Examples of lighting is to create an emotional response from an audience watching a motion picture. The intensity, direction and quality of lighting has an effect, if there is shade it show more texture, shape, distance, mood, time of day or night, season and glamour. These things affect the way in which colour is perceived from shade and depth, can focus on the element of composition.


Iconography describes certain and/or specific objects that would relate with a genre or sub genre. These objects tend to have a significant role in enhancing the  genre, narrative and can make a deeper meaning in the scene. An example that can be used is horror movies because they could include young girls, haunted houses, and contrasting shadow and light in darkened places.


Genre and sub-genre-



Genre analysis


The camera in the first part of baby driver is a mix of high camera angle, straight on and low depending on what is happening. The camera angle is low when the car first rolls up to the bank which is shown just before the car pulls up just in front. Then the camera angle is shown from eye view of each character looking at each other from many different angles. Louder sound affects of the car and the trunk being open and shut. The music as the three characters go into the trunk of the car and when walking towards the bank is there to create suspension but almost in a casual way. The driver of the car starts the song bellbottoms so he has the amount of time to wait of the song while the characters are robbing the bank. The location of the bank seems to be on a quiet street which means less people will see the crime that is going on inside of the bank. The lighting in this part is incident light because its coming from the sun but while in the bank the light is coming from a lamp/light at the top of the buildings ceiling. The camera angle being shown from a spectators point to what the three characters are doing within the bank.

After the characters get what they want the sound effects of the engine revving with the camera being really close to the pedals of the car. The sound affects get louder when the car does a burnout, drifting the car round to the front and the police sirens. The lighting is natural from the sun and is rather bright because its not a cloudy day so stands out more. When the character in the front passenger speaks it sounds like his accent is American in the scene where they are about to crash into a caravan and a delivery truck. The back two characters ducking down gives you more of a sense of how close a collision was. The crime but also the knowledge to confuse the police helicopter onto a different car is clever before meeting at the point where they can change cars and costumes.




First day

On the first day I learned how to make a YouTube thumbnail. I learned the size in which YouTube allow the thumbnail to be (1920×1000). With using Photoshop it allowed me to pick this size and with that I started to decide the things that I like or are my hobbies. I got pictures of each things and from all the pictures I decided what I liked the most out of the hobbies plus the things I like into Photoshop. I opened each picture and cut out any background so it doesn’t clash with the background that id chosen based on the first few pictures I had chosen.

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Picture of De Gea after being cut out from the background and placed on my thumbnail piece.

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I started by cutting out De Gea (Goalkeeper/ person on far left) and from there I decided I wanted a background that would make the colours that would be used along side him stand out more. The other things in the far right corner shows the things that I like to do in my spare time e.g. play Xbox. Although the games around haven’t been released yet, there has been betas depending if you’ve bought the game or there was a beta code given out to the email address. To rotate the Xbox and the pink/purple I pressed command T which allowed me to not only rotate as stated but to make each picture slightly bigger.

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On this screenshot I have shown the tool that I was using to get some parts of a logo or pictures without having the full background in my thumbnail.

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This screenshot shows the proportion of things that I wasn’t taking into the thumbnail. All I wanted from most pictures was the logo or the main picture and not the background in them because I had already chosen one.

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Here you can see that after adding the Player Unknown Battlegrounds logo I added both rocket league and NBA 2K19 using the same technique as I did with Player Unknown Battlegrounds. I moved the layers around at this point because I wanted to overlap certain things so I could have some more space for some other things that I love to do.

Finished version of thumbnail:

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Here you can see the finished version of the thumbnail. To finish it off i added text saying “what i like to do” and the picture of art stuff. I like what i had done for the thumbnail but it seems too crowded without much thought going to into it. If i was to do this again i would change the colour of the text so you can see it but also put some more thought into it.

Infographic about Manchester United:

Started off by hovering over the infographic option which is a 2000 by 800 pixel file. After picking the infographic I could choose a theme that would suit the subject I had chosen which is football and the team Manchester United. So with the idea in mind I picked a green theme for the pitch. With this I uploaded my own images and used some images that the website already has. I used a range of text to show the different facts about the club and to keep the attention of the person seeing the information. I chose to do the infographic about Manchester United because its the club I support.

On the first day I also did a promo video for the college. We went around college and filmed certain areas with an IPad that might encourage other people to join  because of the facilities the college has to offer. It allowed the chance to get to know people in the group but also to work as a team to create something. The promo video is shown below.