Final Evaluation

As the website I was using wanted me to pay for the app to publish so I recorded myself going through the app changing the wallpaper on my phone and showing some of the information within the clip. This will be shown below.

The video shows the type of images that was able to change a persons phone background. I wanted to create a mix of players that are from past and present that has had some kind of impact on the club, this is what I did as shown. The other part that is shown in the video is the fact file of some of the players included in the wallpaper section and the aim of that was to try and tell someone a fact they may not know.

If you cant read the fact file part here is a couple of screenshots that shows what is talked about.

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To see if I solved the problems or done the things people said I should in the primary research I set up a survey. This well tell me what I met and what I didn’t but also gives an outside view of the thoughts of the app. To start the survey I added the video above but in the description from the title I explained why I couldn’t have them use the app and give feedback having used it.

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In this question I asked the target audience who took the survey if the app they saw in the video was well made. I asked this question as if the app isn’t made well then it wouldn’t benefit the target audience and would get bad results in the app store. I gave multiple options for this to see if there is any contrast in the answers but all the people who took the survey said yes.

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One of problems that I needed to solve from the primary research conducted but also some secondary is that it needed to be laid out in a simple way for those who are not very tech worthy, this is why I asked this question. The majority of people (70.6%) said that it is while 29.4% said they didn’t.

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To find out more about why they said no I left a question asking why they said no. The main reply is that most of the pictures was way too close to each other, which could possibly take the interest out some pictures.

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Another thing that I wanted to solve was that there was a great selection of players whether that was past or present and contributed to club in their own ways. To see if I did solve this I asked if there was a great selection and 100% of the people said yes it was but I did add an option to explain why if they said no. Someone who said yes answered in the no part saying that some of the pictures could look blurry. If this was the case then I would of removed the picture for another one.

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At the start of the project when I was trying to think of something to do, I said I would add information about the players, club and the greatest manager ever Sir Alex Ferguson. Possibly having this below players but this couldn’t happen as this wasn’t an option so I added another tab in the hope that I would be able to do something that related. That’s what leaded to this question whether the information was a good addition to the app even if it couldn’t be with the players and 100% said yes it was.

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If I was to do the app again I would need to know what kind of things that I would need to improve on. That’s why I asked the people taking the survey what they think I could of done better. Most of the answers I got said that there isn’t anything I could improve and the ones who said that something should be was mixed. Starting with that the app should of been more colourful for backgrounds, which using the website I was it wasn’t possible as it only allowed the headers and the title boxes to be changed. Other things included is that the writing shouldn’t be too close together, be bigger so its readable, within the fact file have pictures below each players information and the fact file shouldn’t have two parts.

There wasn’t really any problems when in the planning stages but when in the production phase the app making website Appypie it will ask to pay at the end as the app can only be edited after for at least 48 hours after creating the app. Other problems I had within the website is that when I created the app and tested, the images wouldn’t show up that I had added which is one of the key things that I needed to be within the app. So to combat this problem I researched for other app making websites as well as testing them to see if they would work, some was complicated to use and one that wasn’t complicated was AppsGeyser. The problem I came to in the end of this website is that it needs to be paid for before it can be published, that’s why I used another way of showing how the app works in a video.

The target audience I asked at the start of the project by primary research helped me in considering things about the app when in production in many ways. One of these is how the app should be laid out for the less tech worth people or if there’s anyway in which a person like their apps to be. The other thing that I needed to do in targeting the target audience is the players that were listed are available to have multiple options of more than one player whether its part or present, manager or club badge. Also adding the information of players as most fans are die hard and if a fact is wrong they’ll know.

Production of App

To create the app I used AppsGeyser, before this i used AppyPie but the website required you to pay most times and when I tested the app it didn’t have the things I added or while creating it would delete if you try to save the work. This app I used was easier to use although I needed to try look carefully to try and add more than one thing to the app like I needed. The problems I face while creating the app is that I need to have a good enough selection that I know other fans may appreciate, another thing I need to control is the copyright on most pictures if I am taking from the internet. All player information needs to be correct or theres no need to give facts if they aren’t correct. These are the type of problems I need to tackle while making this app.


In the screenshot above this is the starting page that the site comes up with, these options wasn’t the one I was looking for.


This screenshot shows that I explored the page to see if I could find anything that would suit my idea.

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The one I thought would suit the most from these options and the explanations is this wallpaper option. Mainly because my idea included backgrounds for phones.

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This screenshot shows the information that was given to me from the start of clicking on wallpaper. One important thing is that I am able to preview the app before publishing, allowing me to go back and change things before the app is made.

Screenshot (75)

In the screenshot above shows the next part that I needed to fill in. Album name is important to fill out so other fans know what its for and where to click to get this. Any images I add into this app that are copyright I need to give credit for.


In this screenshot above you can see that I have added a name to the album but also some pictures, relating to the club. While doing this trying to make sure I keep the app simple which is one of the problems I aimed to solve at the start of the project.


When I finished adding all the pictures I wanted in there but also including those people stated in the primary research I conducted. I pressed next to see what else I need to do.

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After clicking next like shown in the screenshot above I was asked to put the name in the app and to be able to aim the app at United supports I needed to include their name within the title.

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I then gave a description about the app and as seen to the right of the box I have tested the app from the site to see what it will look like a little bit more.

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In the screenshot above it shows that I was then able to choose an icon for the app and I can upload my own as long as it fits the measurements.


This is the picture I chose to have as the app icon and here I was able to crop the image to make it fit the measurements.

Screenshot (82)

This screenshot shows that I have uploaded the image and the only thing I can do next is press the button “next”.

Screenshot (83)

On this screenshot I am showing that I am able to change how the navigation of the app is done.

Location Recce and Risk Assessment

The location recce and risk assessment is important to do because it allows me to recognise the problems that could possibly happen when creating the project and how I can control it. The Location Recce is also a good indiction so it is known some important so then it is made to someones attention some key components that can keep every person aware of risks, entrances and so on.

Location Recce and Risk Assessment


Copyright Considerations

The potential impact of using any images of using somebody else’s work, for in my case pictures, is a long process and there is a few things that cant be done without the permission of the creator. These include copying the work, rend, lend or sell copies to the public, perform, broadcast or show the work in public and adapt the work. If I need to abide by this I will ask the original owner if I can use the idea in an app before I use anyones work.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

The legal considerations I have to consider is Copyright, Human Rights Act and Defamation Act. In short terms Copyright stops people from stealing your work. To stick by these rules I will ask the creator if I can use their work and even prove that some of it was their work. The human right act protects everyone whether you are young, old, rich, poor and so on. This act allows people to defend their rights in court and to public organisations. The Defamation Act is basically the right and freedom of expression, with this. With this mind it gives people a chance to rescue their reputation.

The ethical constraints that need to be considered are the restrictions that are placed on media productions that stops offence to the viewers and listeners. In the UK there is many organisations that monitor the content and these are BBFC for film, OFCOM for TV and radio, ASA for advertising. With this one I don’t need to consider these because I am not making a film, anything for radio and TV or advertising.


The title of my project is Manchester United fan app.

The target audience doesn’t affect the gender both genders can watch football and understand things about the beautiful game. The age of my target audience can be of any age as long as they have a phone. Because the app is going to be free I hope to aim for social demographics like this app.

One of the key research I think is my primary research one as it gives me an idea on what type of players people would want if they are a united fan or not. Allowed me to see many different views to start with because I needed to know if the idea was a good one and if it was worth is with there being quite a few apps already like this, even with the official app being out. Another main reason why my primary research was important was so then I could ask people what the layout they would prefer of the app. I gathered that the main one was that it has to be easy/complex and from the secondary research I realised that not everyone is going to know how to use a phone fully so I have to take that to mind. Secondary research was important so I knew how other apps similar run, what to do to try and have a successful app and many things like this.

The product I want to finish with is an app that consists of background of Manchester United players, with this I want to give some information about these players that people may not be aware off. I wanted to do this because as a united fan I would like apps like this and could be a way of communicating with other fans by downloading and bonding over it. The designs are going to be off different range so it doesn’t get boring and the players can have their own identity within the pictures. After doing research I have gathered that not everyone using a phone may not understand some things so i’m going to make sure this is easy to navigate for the less tech people. The audience will have an important role when i’m creating the app as stated above for the easiness of the app but also if I do something wrong or give feedback, I will improve it. With this in mind I will be testing the app with someone who is less tech worthy and a United fan as this is the target audience too.

The equipment I will need in this project is a Mac, the website and with this photoshop to create some of the backgrounds, if i’m not able to copy some while giving credit.

I feel like the project will take at least 3 weeks including planning, production and post production. In my production schedule I gave myself two days to plan out the app while the production time is at least two and a half weeks. In this time I will have designed the app, asked for feedback and then improve based on that feedback. For post production I have given myself two days for the evaluation of the app.



Production Schedule

It is important to do a production schedule so then I can keep to it and know if I get behind, using some time to catch up would be needed possibly in another scheduled idea if possible.

This screenshot below shows the next three weeks from now and what I plan to do in the next three weeks to meet my deadline.


In this screenshot it is showing what type of things I need to do the production phase and how each part will benefit me when I start to make my app.

screen shot 2019-01-29 at 10.47.37

This screenshot below show that after the production tasks I will move onto creating the app for at least a week.


In this screen shot I have explained that I will test the app over the weekend with a family member that isn’t so tech worthy and take feedback of them.


I will then start to try and finish the app after the feedback I get off the person to try and benefit them also the app too.


Finally I will evaluate the work that I have created on the last two days before deadline and if anything that needs to be improved more I can do it on one of these days.


Secondary Research

Gerber, S. (2019). 11 Tips for Developing a Mobile App that Users will Love. [online] The Next Web. Available at: [Accessed 22 Jan. 2019].

University, G. (2019). 15 Tips and Tricks for Android App Developers in 2017 | edX Blog. [online] edX Blog. Available at: [Accessed 22 Jan. 2019].

In the top website above I had googled tips on how an app could be better when creating but also when an app is nearly finished. Multiple different influencers was asked what would make an app and one main influence is that I do the app the way people would enjoy. Although in my primary research most people said they would want a simple layout, seeing this stated in research is also going to influence me in making sure the app is easy to navigate and people who aren’t that tech worthy know what they are doing within the app. Before I try and allow people to use the app I need to make sure I try it out and see things I need to improve, like what the number 5 person I may get a family member who isn’t into tech that much to try and use the app and then get feedback.

The second website is basically an inspiration type of website for when building an app is happening. Explaining more that to get the app better then I need to listen to what the audience thinks and then see how I can change it to their liking. Like the top website it says to test the app frequently so through most of the app making i’m gonna test it but also with a lower tech person. (2019). 10 Android Apps for Manchester United Fans. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Jan. 2019].

This website is a persons view on which Manchester United app, fan or official, is the best. Because I am a united fan I have the official app downloaded so I thought while looking at some others that i would give them a try on my phone. One app I tried is Man Utd Wallpapers. I liked this app because there was a wide range of backgrounds and there was a mix of old and new players, similar to my idea. Although my idea is about backgrounds and fact file I also tried the quiz about Manchester United and is a pretty cool concept of trying to guess players, past or present, the more you click boxes off. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Jan. 2019].

This website contains the many apps within the android play store, mainly wallpaper apps. Some not all about Manchester United but some players could be included. This is part of one of my ideas to have backgrounds available to the people using the app. They will help inspire me when i make the app because of the way some of the apps are laid out.

Guiral, S. (2019). 5 tips to create the perfect app for your Football Fan Club! | GoodBarber. [online] GoodBarber. Available at: [Accessed 29 Jan. 2019].

In this link above there is a few tips that could help me in creating the app but also keeping in mind the audience and the fans which may of been fans for a long while, childhood. Need to make sure that I at least stick to some of these tips and keep in mind that it is a fan app and that any audiences may already know some things I may state.

The Balance Small Business. (2019). 10 Tips for Creating a Successful Mobile Retail App. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jan. 2019].

In this link there is many tips in which explains to me what I need to do to make an app somewhat target my audience. Not everything has to be a large amount, just enough to please the consumer also making sure the features I used are right for the app but again the consumer too.

Blog – Mind Studios. (2019). Some Tips to Find the Target Audience for Your Mobile App – Mind Studios. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jan. 2019].

This website tells me what category my app would fall under. The category is sport because I will have a range of pictures and information between all the app.




Primary Research

To see what other people think of the idea I have come up with for my interactive piece I will create a survey. I will begin by explaining my idea in the description of the survey. I will then go on to ask questions that will benefit me and the things I want to know.

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In this screenshot it is shown the description of my idea so the people taking the survey know what I’m talking about when I’m asking questions but also gives them an idea in their head what the plan is.

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In this screenshot above i had asked based on the description whether the people taking the survey would like an app like this. 75% of people said they would while only 25% of people said they wouldn’t.

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This screenshot shows that the people who said no gave the main reason why that they d don’t watch football. Other reasons being that they aren’t a Manchester United fan.

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In these multiple screenshots i had asked people what players they would mainly like to see within the app. Theres quite a mix result and when creating the app I will try to do as many players that have been stated as I can.

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Within this screenshot I asked if an app on the phone would be suitable for my idea and the majority of people said yes.

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This screenshot tells me that the reason why there was a no to my question above is because there is too many apps like my idea, could possibly turn this answer in my favour with there being a background and a fact file.

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In these multiple screenshots it tells me that most people like to have an app that is easy, not hard to navigate but have many different features to navigate. While most other replies consist of how the layout should be e.g. diagonal, endless page and layered.