Primary Research for Hidden

To gather some primary research I am going to start by using survey monkey. This is another website in which questions can be asked and can also be answered, the same way as google forms which has been used in other research attempts. Before I ask people to take the survey I need to make sure that they will be interested but also if people can understand any questions plus the similar references to the survey.

Questionnaire on what people consider “hidden” to mean

I had started a questionnaire with google forms for this part. The reason for me to change websites because when i tried to get the responses it would freeze so i couldn’t see it properly. When i can see the individual responses i will add them to the survey monkey survey, adding more as i ask more people to take the survey.

In the screenshot below it shows how i asked the question that i needed to ask, short and easy which benefits the people taking the survey. I asked this question as everyones perception is different as to what hidden means. The option of invisible is not being there but theres a part thats been left behind. I chose masked as another option as this is one of the idea i want too take on as part of my project but also because if the person is masked and has their hood up then the body is and face is all missing. Buried meaning they are fully not seen but theres a feeling there cause of a gravestone. With this i am giving the consumer to explain why they feel their option is the right one.

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In the screenshot below this is the results I got from asking a mix of people what the word “hidden” means to them. The results here show that over 50% of the people asked thought that invisible is the better way to explain hidden. While just a little over 40% said masked. Buried also being less that 5% of people saying this is hidden. Asking this way is easier than going round asking people in person where as I can email or send texts to people I know as the target audience for this one doesn’t really matter as this was aimed for anyone.

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In the many screenshots below there was a reasoning option behind why they chose from the above screenshot, this helps a lot as I can see the reasons given and see if most people have the same perception of the word. The negative about this part is because of the people I asked was those I know and there was one person who gave an answer off “cause my dad ran away”. While most of the people who put invisible believe that to be hidden you have to be invisible to fit that criteria. While one person said masked can mean someone’s identity is hidden, while others think it means things like; no facial features being shown, face is hidden and other things that correlate to those reasons.

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Research for practical work

After completing my practical side of things I asked people what they thought about two images that I liked from completing this. With this I wanted to see if this represents what I had planned but also if other people understood where I was going with this. The picture below is the first picture I asked about as this will be one of the main characters.


In the screenshot below this shows the type of replies I got from the people I had sent people. This is good for me as that means my main ideas have been successful and I can edit the image the way I want. There was no disappointing  comments about the image.



In this question I asked if anyway the image shown above would affect any of my work. The people who said yes also had positive things to say about the image.


The image I asked about is shown below.


This screenshot tells me that majority of people thought that the above image stays within the horror genre but also gives the natural feeling of someone running away from something that shouldn’t be there. 23.5% of people said no because of things like the person being too happy when they should of been looking determined and scared to get away.



Ideas for Hidden

As part of starting a new project i needed to come up with ideas around the word “hidden”. I started by searching things that related to hidden which is shown below (1st screenshot), so with this i can decide any route i can go down. Hidden is such a cryptic word that could mean anything based on a persons perspective, a natural thought is someone hiding behind somewhere, so this research was vital in knowing there was many more that can be chosen from rather than when first started. (2018). I found great synonyms for “hidden” on the new!. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Nov. 2018].

Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at 15.04.17.png


Using coggle i came up with many different ideas, this is so i have more than one idea to go off if one fails. A natural idea came to my head from the word hidden which is hide and seek. Just a natural kind of hide and seek with a large are that includes buildings and other hiding spots with a dozen of people. Another idea i had got is a group of friends playing football, goalkeeper kicks it out into the difference while all the players go run for the ball and out to shot. This idea was helped by research above as one of them says out of view.

One of the paths i wanted to go down was photography as it is something i want to test out in the many forms in which it can come as. Ive chosen to go down the horror section because it is a better category of the genre available and it could describe the object better from pictures/videos. I think out of all the ideas i am going to go down the photography part and use the mask but also change it to have a good over most of their head, possibly.

Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at 15.02.49.png

Anon, (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Dec. 2018].

Undertaking Primary Research

As part of finding more things out about Primary Research, I have been trying out the many ways in which this can be done. One way this can be done is quantitative research. In class we needed to collect some quantitative research using a larger data set. I did this part with another classmates and we observed what kind of vehicles go down a road. Examples of vehicles are bikes, motorbikes, cars and vans. To get the data we use the notes part on a iPhone so we could use a tally chart set up by ourselves. Used the road outside college because the vehicles we decided we was going to count had to be moving.

We decided to do this as there was two of us who could look at one side of the road each and count so we don’t get confused as to which vehicle was counted and which one is not. Another reason why we chose to do this is because of the many different vehicles that go down the college road. It is important to have a large data set so an average can be found of what is being observed but what is more popular within the people who choose to bed on the roads. These kind of results can be used in media productions when people watch a film, if they ask things like “did they like the film?” or “did you not like the film, if not why?”, it can give the industry to rate the film.

My collated results are shown below:


As the screenshot shoes, we decided to see how many vehicles passed along Langdale Road between 13:53 pm and 13:57pm on the 6th of November. This was an observation primary research. As the screenshot shows the type of vehicle that came down the most was cars with 21 while van and motorbikes was only seen once each.

Another thing done in class was polls, I asked about what is the best way to do primary research using the website Poll Maker website. Below are the results gathered:

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When creating this poll I needed to decide the type of people I need to ask that could give an honest opinion. I mainly aimed this poll at media students and or art students who have to do research about artists (art students) and primary/secondary research for a project (media students). Doing this might be useful towards any research I do in the future when I cant decide what would be a better or make my project better and so on.

Undertaking Questionnaire Research

The process in which I designed the questions for my survey is by using google forms as this has all the accessories the survey needs. I started by deciding what I wanted to base the survey on. The ideas I first thought off is gaming, music and films. When I decided gaming I also needed to decide the age range in which I want to ask as because although people start gaming before sixteen they may not give the answers I want I need. So the age range I chose to go for is between sixteen and above. I needed to decide what part I was going down e.g. whether I’m going to open ended questions or closed ended questions. I decided that I was going to mostly use closed ended questions as this was the best way I could of got the detail I wanted.

I started off by asking if the people within the age range played video games as an easy and simple question. If someone said no they don’t play video games I will have a no part where they can explain why they don’t. This being a closed ended questions. I planned to do most of the questions closed ended questions because I wouldn’t of been able to find out more about the person. With many options on some of the questions this will either be made into a bar chart or a pie chart. With them parts I wanted to find out what console they play on and if not a console what other technology and also wanted to find out what type of genre are most people into. The reason for the choice of close ended question it is quick and easy to see what people want or are waiting for.

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In the screenshot above it shows the first question I asked. The reason why I asked this question is so then I can find out more information about the person who is taking the survey, it gives an idea of what may happen further down within the other surveys question. Picked this easy and simple question so the person isn’t disinterested in the first picture as they may be if it was a long kind of question. From this first question I have a 100% ratio, no one said they didn’t like video games but if they had of chosen no then they could of also explained why they don’t.

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This screenshot shows another simple question, again without too much detail so then I could keep the consumer interested in what I’m asking like stated above. This result is different to the first question because it does not have a 100% ratio. Someone I had asked to complete the survey doesn’t play video games but likes them. This is a problem that can be recognised within surveys, when any company or person is asking to fill out something like this then they need to ask the target audience that its meant for e.g. for mine its gaming.



Within the two screenshots above I have had many responses about what kind of games people play. There is many different genres that have been picked but the most game played is Call of Duty/Black Ops 4. From this though the main genre that is played is action games or shooters. Examples of this is Fortnite, Call of Duty/Black ops 4, Rainbow 6 Siege, pubg, For Honor, GTA 5 and Black Squad. While the genres creative, adventure, comedy, fantasy, racing and sports are the lowest genres people play. Examples of these genres are Minecraft, Sims, Pokémon, Minecraft, Fifa and Forza.



In these two screenshots above it shows what people are looking forward to buying but also any new games that may be releasing in the next few months of the year. Examples of buying but released are Red Dead Redemption 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, Lego Star Wars and club penguin. Some other games like Fornite are already free but can be downloaded at any point. Single player games but also any new PC games attract any changes. Announced games like Fallout 76, Division 2 and Elder Scrolls 6 gives an even wider genre choices.



In the screenshot above I found out that out of all the response I got Xbox is the most played console with 13 (59.1%) people saying this and then PC comes second with 9 (40.9%). PlayStation in third with 7 (31.8%). With the last option I should of put “other” rather than “none”, but the people who chose “none” still had a choice to say what other games console they play on.


In this screenshot I gathered that most people preferred action/shooters (50%) to the other game genres stated in the right corner which is colours coordinated. 22.7% of people who took the survey liked other genre that was there. While 18.2% (9.1% each) liked to play either adventure or survival. The sports and horror genre are the same size which means after all the others taken away make 9.1% so it needed dividing by two, this makes both horror and adventure 4.55% who have voted for those genres.


This screenshot shows other genres that I may not of added to the list, others being more than one option that wasn’t given within the question above. Example of this is racing (not mentioned in categories), “I also like sports and top games”, “action and adventure” (both), RPG which is role playing games and creative games. The problem with this part is the fact I asked someone I know which gave an answer but gave me information as too who said it but also added information that wasn’t needed.

Primary Research

Primary research is any type of research that is conducted by you which can allow you to find information about any given topic by asking the public. With the many forms in which primary research can be done it helps identify the target for the audience you want. If the survey is aimed at someone who has no idea what it is then this will become useless when reflecting who the real audience is. An example of this for companies is to do a survey based on a product of service.


When trying to find information a questionnaire is the most simplest way to get the information wanted as long as the questionnaire is done accurately. Questions can be measurable and the validity can be useful if it has been done correctly. When creating a questionnaire you can design things, ask the intended target audience, gather, present and implement findings which all can help people answer the questions. When creating a questionnaire the questions have to be relevant to the questions to the information you want to find out.

Positives when creating the questionnaires is the fact that as long as the questions are what is intended then it can have specific information within the project of the questionnaire. An example of this is a gaming questionnaire where gamers may say what they are looking forward to in the future, how many hours they play, what console they play and so on. Another positive is the fact that it is speedy, cheap and easy to do. It also is a current version of all question and answers.

The negatives of the questionnaire is the quality of responses and inaccurate responses. Example of this is if you are trying to do this around a certain age and you know people/ friends then they may give sarcastic replies or something they completely don’t know. Another negative of questionnaire is the way in which the questions can be asked, some people may not understand if it isn’t simple/explained. One other thing that affects questionnaire is if the people taking the survey are interested in the topic that has been chosen.

Open Ended Questions

Open ended questions gives the audience the chance to give a reasoned answer and can also been done in detail. Examples of open ended questions are:

What do you

What did you

How was the

What did the

Closed Ended Questions

Close Ended Questions are questions that can be answered by tick boxes or multiple choice questions. Examples of closed ended questions are:

How often

How many

How do you prefer

Which of these

Qualitative Information

Qualitative information is hard to measure because there is more detailed responses from the targeted audience. Qualitative information is linked to open ended questions as it gives the audience to express their thoughts. The information that is gathered is harder to filter as there is more information which can also be easier for marketing companies because there is much more specific information about what the audience think.  An example of this is a supermarket might ask any of their customers to sit down and try a few examples of food/drink and give feedback about what they likes and why.

Quantitative Information

Quantitative data is presented information for others in quantity. It gives a mix of numbers and statistics which makes it easier to workout, easier to present, quicker to compile and easier to understand. Closed ended questions work well for this kind of information as it is more aimed at the audience choosing the answers from the list. An example of this is if a company is trying to find out height  or your shoe size if the company sells clothes and shoes so they know what the correct information and what is an average of the public.