Location Release Form

Location Release Form

The reason for having a release form is so that it proves that you have had a conformation that you can film in the area chosen. With this the owner knowing when you are planning on taking pictures of models and the day with the permission being guaranteed to take pictures of people. More into the Location Release Form is the terms in which the owner of the property agrees with and that any video recorded or pictures can be used by them and no obligation to use any video from them. Can also agree to modify any surroundings in a way that would benefit the film/photographs and that after using or moving anything it will be placed back exactly how it was planned. With this agreeing to take care of any thing that is handled and if something is broken when filming/photographs, making them aware that there is no insurance from anyone who breaks it. The form also sticks to the rules of both the laws of England and Wales even when wanting to film and that when they have read the form they can accept it or decline it in anyway based on the rules stated.

Location Recce and Risk Assessment

Location Recce and Risk Assessment

Location Recce

As part of taking photographs of someone/group of people I have to do a Location Recce based on the place I’m going to be doing this. This is helpful towards the models because then they know where they need to stand, what light I hope on using and other key information that will help them. This is also good for the people that rent/own the house because they know why and when I want to take photographs but also any risks I have gathered from doing the risk assessment and how I am willing to make sure everyone is safe. Other things is to show that I have permission to do what I want within the house with my ideas to come out within the pictures. Other things that this tells people is the electricity supply whether this is needed or not and also the sun being at a point because this may cause a blur on the screen.

Risk Assessment

As part of taking photographs of people I need to do a risk assessment based on the problems that could happen when gathering the pictures but also getting to the place that could also pose the risk. The reason why the media industry do risk assessments is so then they have a way in which they can resolve it, the whole company and productions stick to what is written out. Its the most simple things that can be a risk more than thought e.g. when trying to gather photographs the things in which is around like tables or things hanging around the house. It helps the models know as well what kind of risk that they are in when they are trying to get into areas I want when I want to take photographs, knowing the risks can help them to be careful but more confident that they have been recognised.


Call Sheet


As part of making a poster I have to plan out who and what is going to be included when and where. The models included need to know what time the shoot is going to take place, how long they will have pictures took of them and where they are going to be getting photos took of them. The time is which the director expects from them. Other things explained are what props, make up and affects are planned to be used within the taking of the photographs.


The name of the project is hidden.
The target audience for this project can be any age, as long as the context of the pictures are understood. Even though I want to go down the horror genre, this may not scare the younger viewers. The gender in which this will be aimed at is both genders as this wont be affected by what I want to do within my project. The demographic of a person also doesn’t matter in this case as it will be for everyone. Based on the research, both primary and secondary, I conducted I know that the target audience is PG. This is because the pictures I’m going to take are on the horror side but this might not scare a young child depending on the mask.
Based on the research I conducted I realised that with my primary research people perspective is someone being invisible when they are hidden. I can tell this as invisible has a higher percentage of picks over masked/hooded and buried. With this type of information I want to be able to prove to the people who took the survey that there are many other ways in which the word hidden can be interpreted. This is another reason why I want to go down the masked/hooded type of poster, to show people that it doesn’t always mean the person not being there.
Based on secondary research I have gathered that based on the theme its better to use a dark room or natural light of outside to keep a theme. With also doing the many different secondary research I gathered that there is also many other ways in which a persons face could be hidden e.g. hats, use of smoke and other equipment like cameras. A lot of the pictures are also determined by the lighting, costumes, props and location can all play a part in whether the pictures are correlating with the genre e.g. horror- naturally an instinct is going to think dark lighting and dark costumes, almost like a soul which is where location comes into it as too get the scare factor would typically be a dark room. This research also helped me what kind of lighting id want, getting a low shot and showing only part of the face may give off the added effects.
The reason for me doing this type of research is because my idea is to create a poster of someone wearing a mask, with this the hood being up. The inspiration I have took is the smoke part. I’m going to use something similar too fill up the hood and around the person but the lower parts too add effect of the genre I had chosen to go down within my ideas at the start of the project. While the primary research also helped in realising that I could show people another part of what hidden can also mean.
The whole idea that I have in mind is too use the darkness of my living room, with this allowing me to have any light as I want to make the character at least somewhat see able while having their hood being full of smoke, possibly. The genre I want to take down is horror so I possibly may use a clown mask or I may use another way in which could stay within the horror genre. I’m also going to try many different camera angles to try and get the best photo from the idea, from then ill choose the best one and then create a poster. The poster showing what could be expected if it was to be created into a film.
The equipment that I will need is a DSLR camera and possibly a light. The resources I need is a mask and some smoke for the added effects within the horror I want to create. The locations I could potentially take photos at is the photograph room in college or at home in the living room as the photograph room can be dark but has a lot of lights which could benefit the pictures and the same reason for the living room. The cast/crew I need is a model and the person occupying the camera, will be me.
The amount of time that this will take is approximately 6 to 7 weeks. 5 weeks to research and plan. While the production could take a few days and the remaining weeks spent in pre-production.
The budget for this film is £1500.

Contextual Awareness

Image result for horror

In the picture above there is mostly darkness surrounding the creature. Only 69light that is shown is through the window, showing the person clearer than if the dark shadows covered more than the light and the window being covered by the creature. This is similar to other pictures that i have used in other blog posts because the main colours may be picked off from the original picture to add effect to the picture, giving it a point of dramatic interest making the viewer scared as to what is going to happen to the girl in the picture. The influence in this picture that if i use a dark room when taking photographs i could use a small window to give off natural light but not showing too much, just enough to prove that the person/creature is there.

The techniques that have been used in this picture is low angle so the characters can be seen but also to understand the surroundings. Used the natural light to their advantage, with the creature being basically over her which makes it feel like blinds or curtains are shut. The style of this is a theme of black and white, gives of the effect that its meant to be there while the girl is oblivious to everything and anything. The image is shot quite well, the attention to detail is thought about when the photos was being took.

Image result for horror

In the picture above is what looks to be woods, dark and has untold truths. Eerie feeling. This would be the perfect to set a scene in a horror film as many bodies could be hidden there but also because someone can make it look like a hanging. This would set the scene in a film cause anything could be around any of the trees. This picture doesn’t really correlate with other pictures I have collected but it is inspiration because when I create my poster I need to decide fully on how I am going to make the scene almost eerie, making people believe that this is the next best film that needs to be watched.

The techniques used within this picture is a wide 90 degree shot of the area that is in front, small details can be seen but the depth is shown of the woods and theres possibly no where to run if caught in there. The style of the picture is almost giving off an old feeling because of how dull and dark the woods look, also gives that eerie feeling which is key in a horror film e.g. IT and the drain scene. The layout is mainly of trees but also off twigs that have fallen off. The colours used are black (mud/soil, trees and no light coming through.

Image result for horror

In the above picture the house could be one of a haunted house, looking like a normal house with the sunset going down around. Although this can be seen as the sunset, it gives off that there might be a fire because of the reflection through the top windows. With the sunset and trees it gives an eerie feel because of the darker areas round the trees and the house doesn’t look inviting by being by itself. This would be good in a horror film as it sets the scene, with the only light coming through is from the windows which means anything could be hidden within the windows that anyone from the outside wouldn’t know. This picture doesn’t correlate with other research because i dad searched more on the lighting, faces and creatures in which could inspire my project on. The inspiration in this photo is how in which natural things like sunsets can help me set the scene, another example is the trees around because they are darker while the house is made the main example of the photo.

The techniques that is used in this project is a wide 90 degree shot of the area that is in front, while natural light is used to their advantage to create the scene that is needed. The style of the picture isn’t modern because of how the house has been built, has panels on the front of house, modern houses are left with bricks. While the has is alone and non others around then this creates an eerie style to because of the woodland around the house.

Image result for A Nightmare on Elm Street

In the picture above there is a character within a horror film, can easily tell that this person is the bad guy in the film. When the picture/video was took it solely focused on the guy rather than the background. This was one of the main techniques used as this can be a option on cameras for filming and taking photographs where it allows to keep focus of a person/object while the background may be pixelated and not there. The styles within the pictures is old fashioned, mostly fabric e.g. the claw plus and scrap material.

The layout is mainly focused on the character in this picture, this would make me realise its a possible horror because of the characters disfigured face but also the claw type thing for the hand. The colours used in this image are main colours of red, brown and black with the claw having a rusty look.

Research: Audiences interest

The research i need to complete is based on the genre horror because this is the genre i want to go down. I need to know what ages would mostly be interested in a new horror film, what social class are more likely to watch (lower, medium and higher) and the gender. The reason why I need to find this out is so that when I’m creating the poster for the film then I need to aim it at these type of people, so the more people are interested by the poster will possibly watch the film.


In the link above on page 29 there was a survey completed that asked what film genre is preferred with statistics of male and female. With this options for the minority ethnic group and also white. From this I found that 27% of people watched a horror film, males percentage being 33% while female was 38% and white 27%. Also ethnic minority being recorded at 31%. This is important to know because I can gather what type of people would possibly watch, mainly important the gender as I want to interest both genders.


In the link about on page 105 the chart used states what 16 years and above like to watch the most (GB). Thriller/suspense is 53% of people while horror is 32%. This tells me I need to aim anything horror for ages 16+ and nothing below within my work. Also on page 106 there is a table that shows all the genres but also the last part shoes the social class that is more likely to watch each genre. I can gather that the social class C2 is more likely to watch a film so I need to aim for this when trying to create a horror theme within my work.



Production Schedule

When creating a project i need to come up with a production plan so i can keep on track with and gives me an idea when the project should be finished. Using the website http://app.teamweek.com it helped me complete this planning, production and pre production with that needs to be done each day.

Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 10.23.50

In the screenshot above this is the things in which can be filled in, even giving more detail from what the title. This will allow me to see what new things i need to do that week up until the project is ready to be handed in.

A finished version of the production schedule is shown below. This will tell everything I want to do in the time given with notes about this.





Hidden within Horror

One thing that can occur in horror genre films is that the main horror character has a hidden identity so people don’t know who it is. This allows the companies that create films to keep it within their genre e.g. horror. An example of this is:

In this clip the main focus is around a nun which is shown in a portrait at the beginning. While the alive nun is possibly having dreams about this, then explaining it to someone of importance. The real reason why I chose this as my example is because later on in the trailer when exploring underground, what looks to be the main character goes exploring and at one point doesn’t know there is another nun behind her with the face being fully black. This relates with hidden because hidden can mean many things but it this case the nun has a hidden identity with the fully blacked out face, while the nun that comes across is hidden by the costume that is being worn as its swinging. This is the type of idea I want to use in my project.


I researched in google horror film posters because I wanted to see how some horror posters are created. The reason for this is because I am going to be creating a poster from my ideas. This inspires me because it tells me some of the things that need to be added to a poster that could possibly turn into a film but also because there isn’t a wide range of colours used. Its almost like the person/doll in the picture has another side to them, other creature and this is shown by some of face being ripped open by what looks like a claw. This correlates with my idea because of the part of the face that is missing. The colours helping me realise that to add affect or make something stand out the colour black, being the background can help this.


I researched in google hidden horror. This is where I came across many different pictures. The reason why I chose this one is because even though their are hands showing on multiple different trees, everything else (body) is hidden. I wanted to see how other things like lighting can set a scene in which could make a normal image look more spookier. This could inspire some of my work because I need to make my poster fit into the genre of choice, also need to make sure that it may appeal to the audience but also make sure everything correlates with original idea.



Secondary Research for Hidden

QuestionPro. (2018). Secondary Research- Definition, Methods and Examples. | QuestionPro. [online] Available at: https://www.questionpro.com/blog/secondary-research/ [Accessed 20 Dec. 2018].

Secondary research can be a range of sources which can include the use of the internet, radio, books, podcasts, newspapers and so on. Secondary research is another way to gather information possibly on a larger scale or lower scale instead of doing it yourself. Plus the use of any pictures that need writing about. The point of secondary research is to collect and maybe even the summary of what has been gathered from one of the options stated.

The pros to using secondary research to primary research is the way in which the research has been analysed and filtered out upon the release of the information. Another pro is the way in which secondary research is faster and easier to collect, it is up to the person from there to find the data for what needs to be found out.

The negatives of secondary research to primary research is the research may not be detailed enough for what the researcher wants or may not include a small detail that needs to be known.

Using the website www.citethisforme.com/cite/website i could get images of some ideas that is similar on what i want to do. I wanted to do some secondary research based on the idea i have for my project by doing this it will allow me to get inspiration. Things that i could get inspiration from is lighting, Mise-en-scene, camera, costumes, props, locations/settings, the narrative and the story line of the pictures.

The link below will show a picture of a person with a mask on, the reason why i choose this for my research is because of the way in which the picture has been took. I like the way in which the light around the hood is reflected off the mask and not darker because of the way the hood is up, only darker inside the hoodies gaps. The camera is placed in front of the model for this person, might have flash on so they get the whole reflection.  The costumes used is the persons own but all black, with the white mask (prop) it helps the colours shine.

The location/settings seems to be in a dark place which could be a range of a photoshoot or being outside at night, each can get maximum out of a picture. The narrative and story line of the picture is to try and hide the identity of the model, which is done well.

Flickr. (2018). Hidden Identity. [online] Available at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/douglasdb/13316204853 [Accessed 16 Nov. 2018].Collective, B. (2018). Hidden.

In the picture below it shows smoke coming from the persons hood, this completely blocks their identity but also the hood is up which hides any other feature e.g. hair. The lighting is again mostly focused on the parts in which is being hidden (smoke) while the inside of the hoodie is darker and the hand which is covering the face. The camera angle again is straight 90 degree angle from the model, gets to see everything involved with the photo took. The costumes/props used is again the person own clothes mostly back, then the prop used is smoke while the persons hand hide their face.

The location/settings that this took place is possibly an alleyway that has a white background/buildings. Can tell this image took place when there was light, natural light during the day. The narrative an story line is again hidden identity of the model.

Unsplash.com. (2018). 100+ Hidden Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash. [online] Available at: https://unsplash.com/search/photos/hidden [Accessed 16 Nov. 2018].

In the link below, the photograph shown shows a hoodie being over the top of someone’s head but there is no face within the hood. The main objective is to make the hidden person and this is done well. Its seems like the head of the person is below the hood but its kept its shape. Again the picture is taken straight at a 90 degree angle from the model, this is so everything can be seen. The costumes/props that is used is again the normal models clothes but in this there was no props apart from possibly edits on Photoshop.

The location/settings seems to be in a dark place which could be a range of a photoshoot or being outside at night, each can get maximum out of a picture. The narrative and story line of the picture is to try and hide the identity of the model.

123RF. (2018). mysterious man in the hood with hidden face over dark grey background. [online] Available at: https://www.123rf.com/photo_78082543_mysterious-man-in-the-hood-with-hidden-face-over-dark-grey-background.html [Accessed 16 Nov. 2018].

The link below shows a picture of a man that is hidden somewhat because of a hat on top of his head but also some of his face is hidden because of the camera in which he is using. The inspiration taken from this is that within my project I don’t need to have everything hidden, it can also be the context in which hidden can mean. The camera angle of this picture is at an almost 45 degree angle from the person, this allows people to see what is going on from behind the camera but also the facial expression which might be hidden from in front, the hat then adding shade to the guys face.

The location/settings seems to be in a dark place which could be a range of a photoshoot, with use of lighting. The narrative and story line of this picture is that the person has something that is hidden, whether it is shade or something else.

Smith, B. (2018). Spy High: The 7 Best-Selling Hidden Spy Cameras of 2018 (So Far). [online] SPY. Available at: https://spy.com/2018/gadgets/cameras-tv/best-selling-hidden-spy-cameras-amazon-127121/ [Accessed 16 Nov. 2018].