Production Schedule

It is important to do a production schedule so then I can keep to it and know if I get behind, using some time to catch up would be needed possibly in another scheduled idea if possible.

This screenshot below shows the next three weeks from now and what I plan to do in the next three weeks to meet my deadline.


In this screenshot it is showing what type of things I need to do the production phase and how each part will benefit me when I start to make my app.

screen shot 2019-01-29 at 10.47.37

This screenshot below show that after the production tasks I will move onto creating the app for at least a week.


In this screen shot I have explained that I will test the app over the weekend with a family member that isn’t so tech worthy and take feedback of them.


I will then start to try and finish the app after the feedback I get off the person to try and benefit them also the app too.


Finally I will evaluate the work that I have created on the last two days before deadline and if anything that needs to be improved more I can do it on one of these days.


Research (Primary and Secondary)

Secondary Research

The link above is a football club that has a restaurant within the stadium. If you scroll down the website to the bottom there is multiple different PDF files that have a range of menus which are show below.

Main Menu

Children’s Menu

Red Cafe Breakfast Menu

Red Cafe Old Trafford Experience Menu

Red Cafe Dessert Menu

These different types of menus have the same reoccurring theme that stays within each menu e.g. the background, fonts and is coloured coordinated. This is inspiration as if I want to do multiple ones then I need to keep a theme that will also keep the reader interested. The prices of each dish is shown clearly so when someone is buying then they are fully aware of the price. The colours used is also a representative of the clubs colours, this will inspire me in my work as people may not like colours of rivals of football clubs and the thought of the target audience needs to be in mind. The other thing that I have taken from this is the way in which menus have to state there might possibly be allergies and need to make this known to the readers.

To find out more about the menus I created a survey and asked a few questions about two of the menus. This is important because i need to find out what other people think about prices, how well the menu is done, whether there is a good amount of selection, if the menus are well colour co-ordinated even to the clubs colours and also ask if there was anything they would change about the menus.

Primary Research

Below is the first menu I asked about.


The first question I asked was what people thought about the menu. The replies I got will be shown below in the multiple screenshots. I had quite the mix of replies but many ones I got is that there was no prices stated which is an important thing within a menu or a person may not order because of being unsure. Other things include things about the menu being colour co-ordinated, simple, creative and not being many choices. All these will need to be considered when creating my piece.

Screenshot (48)

Screenshot (49)

I then went on to ask about the selection of food and whether there was a good amount of choice. Again the screenshot to this will be shown below. The majority of people said yes so I can use the menu as inspiration to get a rough idea of how much I may need to include to have good amount of selection.

Screenshot (50)

If people said no I added a question to ask why they said no so then I can find out the many different reasons that people think it isn’t. From this screenshot below I have gathered that the main reason why is because they may not like the food on the menu already and would something a little more plain.

Screenshot (51)

The second menu I asked about is shown below.


Like the first menu, the first question I asked is what they thought of the menu. Ive done this so I can compare the views of other people from the two menus. Similar to the first question asked to the first question. The main reason given for this question is the fact that it is over priced for what you get, people want more reasonable prices.

Screenshot (52)

Screenshot (53)

With this menu having the prices on the menu itself I asked if people think the prices are reasonable, this is something I need to know because I need to take into consideration of the profit the club would have to make but also the fans can also buy. I found that within this question the majority of people said the prices wasn’t reasonable, with this in mind ill think of portion size and then try and suit the prices to this.

Screenshot (54)

I then proceeded to ask the people who said no why, so then I know the reason and I can possibly use the ideas to my advantage when making my own menu. Most replies to this question is that the price of the dish doesn’t match the portions/drink size.

Screenshot (55)

I then proceeded to ask what people thought of the use of colour in both menus and I got a 100% ration from people which is shown below in this screenshot.

Screenshot (56)

After that question I did add “if no, why?” but because I got 100% in the above questions I had no answers.

I finally decided to ask if there was anything the people taking the survey would change about the two menus. In the screenshot it shows that 57.1% people said they would change something from the two menus where as 42.9% said they wouldn’t.

Screenshot (58)

If the people said yes I gave them a chance to say what so I can keep this in mind too when creating the menu. A lot of the comments is to add prices but also decrease prices from the ones used in the examples. There was also comments about being a larger selection.

Screenshot (59)




The purpose of the story i’m going to create is to show that a person of any age and any type of disability can still continually play games on a console. The range of games can be still quite high and can still do it at a casual and fun way.

Target audience will be mainly gamers and possibly the middled aged to higher aged people so they know gaming can still be for any age.

The duration of the documentary is going to be 60 seconds long.

The idea is to have Kim Davies play any game of choice and is downloaded from either digital store or a buy in store. There is going to be different camera angles. Some being gameplay and some of it being pointed at her face when he is talking. She will probably end up talking about why she plays, what enjoyment she gets out of it and so on. Speak a bit about her disability and what gaming does to help her.

The style I hope to create is a normal day from a random time within a family household to portray it as a normal occurrence.

If I use any music it will be calm and chill and may be under the person talking but not to much so you cant here the person.

The graphics I want will be some of the gameplay which could be done by recording on xbox or recorded by camera.

The visuals I want to create is like the person is in the house and can tell what is going on while understanding the film I want to create.

The interviews and contributors will just be Kim Davies as she is going to be the main character person within this short film.


Investigation visual production and technology

The problem with any type of special menu is that people need a wide range of food to choose from but also a menu that isn’t too crowded. They need to know mostly what food is going to be served and drinks with the background suiting the colour of the text. To solve this I will be using Affinity design to create a menu that will suit the audience with the problems stated being in mind.

I think the Timescale to create this is around 4 to 5 weeks. This is so then I can research about my idea and how I can make it the best piece with the mind of the intended audience being number one priority. Other weeks made up of creating the menu on Affinity design, trailing designs and creating ideas.

For the style I will look at a range of football menus that are used in the catering areas of a stadium to get a full idea on what will stand out to the audience. Possibly do the food on the menu around the football theme more or players within a club that could make up the food choice.

For the font I want to keep it simple so it is easy to read. I will more than likely use a font on Affinity Design and see other ways in which I can twist it to suit the needs of the theme and the menu I want to create.

The picture below shows the wide range of colour palette that is available to be used on the computer. With the wide range of colours available I have a lot to choose from but based on the club I have decided to do the work on club colours and stick to these.

The Colour Palette I hope to stick to is a mix of a bit of red and possibly the colour green. The red because I’m going to make the menu based of the team I support, Manchester United. The teams colours. The reason for the green is because I may use the colours of the football pitch. I need to decide whether I’m going to use the black or white font when making the menu because I need it to be easier to read but also to help the writing stand out.

The format of the menu is going to be quite simple. Having used Affinity Design to try things out I already have a United badge all drawn out and ready that I could possibly use within the menu based on the colour theme. The menu is going to be in portrait so I can fit everything on and is a reoccurring theme in most restaurants to be like this.

The output I hope will to have a finished menu, it will consist off a football theme and I am going to aim to have it based on the club Manchester United. With this colours, badges, club players and so on that includes the club.

The context is to have the audience/consumer know what food would be available if they went to Manchester United restaurant. With a range of food available with the thought of different options for vegetarians and other food problems.

The client will be the people that use the Manchester United Restaurant or the owners of the club and the caters who could take in the possibility of changing their menus.


60 Second Documentaries

First person Handheld  Camera technique was used within this short film. The reason for this is because it give the film more of a documentary feel, showing the realism of what the woman wants to do with the power of a football at her feet. Each jump cut within this short film is between the ball lifting up, keeping the theme all the way through with the different parts of the world she’s travelled. Giving a better understanding of what she does. In this film the observational subjective gives an insight of her life, giving a feel of your watching her life with her. No look of the person filming being involved in the video or the interviewers being heard. Her personal point of view is that she can use the sport to show girls you don’t have to be what society tells you to be. In the interview there was no one asking the question, just her speaking like she has just been asked a question. In the film there is no character Narration that acts as a voice over, all spoken by the main lady in the film. Montage of shots rather than continuity sequences. Music mixed with interview, calm but quite upbeat. No archive photographs used of the woman in the video. Text on screen in brand colours from interview.

Handheld camera used which makes it easier when filming the documentary and following the person round. Jump cuts but also used a wide range of montage shots rather than continuity sequences. The film is subjective because the woman within the film shows her feelings. In the interview there are no questions asked and the woman is speaking just like she’s been asked a question. Music mixed with interview is a slow steady beat that doesn’t over ride the interviewees voice. Text on screen in brand colours from interview.

Handheld camera used which makes it easier when filming the documentary and following the people round. Jump cuts but also used a wide range of montage shots rather than continuity sequences. There’s a character narration used within this film as there’s another person talking before a game. In the interview there are no questions asked and the woman is speaking just like she’s been asked a question. Text on screen in brand colours from interview. Music used is faint but when its quite busy it rises a little.

Handheld camera used which makes it easier when filming the documentary and following the people round. Jump cuts but also used a wide range of montage shots rather than continuity sequences. Some of the video is taken from published YouTube videos. Voice of God used when these clips have been used. In the interview there are no questions asked and the woman is speaking just like she’s been asked a question. Text on screen in brand colours from interview. Music involved in the video is quite upbeat but doesn’t over ride the persons voice.

Handheld camera used which makes it easier when filming the documentary and following the people round. Jump cuts but also used a wide range of montage shots rather than continuity sequences. Different shots of the person being sat at a desk playing and going outside to prove that gaming can also be an adventurous part. Text on screen in brand colours from interview but also more important things the person says is shown. The music in the video is almost old fashioned and low key.

Secondary Research

Gerber, S. (2019). 11 Tips for Developing a Mobile App that Users will Love. [online] The Next Web. Available at: [Accessed 22 Jan. 2019].

University, G. (2019). 15 Tips and Tricks for Android App Developers in 2017 | edX Blog. [online] edX Blog. Available at: [Accessed 22 Jan. 2019].

In the top website above I had googled tips on how an app could be better when creating but also when an app is nearly finished. Multiple different influencers was asked what would make an app and one main influence is that I do the app the way people would enjoy. Although in my primary research most people said they would want a simple layout, seeing this stated in research is also going to influence me in making sure the app is easy to navigate and people who aren’t that tech worthy know what they are doing within the app. Before I try and allow people to use the app I need to make sure I try it out and see things I need to improve, like what the number 5 person I may get a family member who isn’t into tech that much to try and use the app and then get feedback.

The second website is basically an inspiration type of website for when building an app is happening. Explaining more that to get the app better then I need to listen to what the audience thinks and then see how I can change it to their liking. Like the top website it says to test the app frequently so through most of the app making i’m gonna test it but also with a lower tech person. (2019). 10 Android Apps for Manchester United Fans. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Jan. 2019].

This website is a persons view on which Manchester United app, fan or official, is the best. Because I am a united fan I have the official app downloaded so I thought while looking at some others that i would give them a try on my phone. One app I tried is Man Utd Wallpapers. I liked this app because there was a wide range of backgrounds and there was a mix of old and new players, similar to my idea. Although my idea is about backgrounds and fact file I also tried the quiz about Manchester United and is a pretty cool concept of trying to guess players, past or present, the more you click boxes off. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Jan. 2019].

This website contains the many apps within the android play store, mainly wallpaper apps. Some not all about Manchester United but some players could be included. This is part of one of my ideas to have backgrounds available to the people using the app. They will help inspire me when i make the app because of the way some of the apps are laid out.

Guiral, S. (2019). 5 tips to create the perfect app for your Football Fan Club! | GoodBarber. [online] GoodBarber. Available at: [Accessed 29 Jan. 2019].

In this link above there is a few tips that could help me in creating the app but also keeping in mind the audience and the fans which may of been fans for a long while, childhood. Need to make sure that I at least stick to some of these tips and keep in mind that it is a fan app and that any audiences may already know some things I may state.

The Balance Small Business. (2019). 10 Tips for Creating a Successful Mobile Retail App. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jan. 2019].

In this link there is many tips in which explains to me what I need to do to make an app somewhat target my audience. Not everything has to be a large amount, just enough to please the consumer also making sure the features I used are right for the app but again the consumer too.

Blog – Mind Studios. (2019). Some Tips to Find the Target Audience for Your Mobile App – Mind Studios. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jan. 2019].

This website tells me what category my app would fall under. The category is sport because I will have a range of pictures and information between all the app.




Primary Research

To see what other people think of the idea I have come up with for my interactive piece I will create a survey. I will begin by explaining my idea in the description of the survey. I will then go on to ask questions that will benefit me and the things I want to know.

screenshot (43)

In this screenshot it is shown the description of my idea so the people taking the survey know what I’m talking about when I’m asking questions but also gives them an idea in their head what the plan is.

screenshot (39)

In this screenshot above i had asked based on the description whether the people taking the survey would like an app like this. 75% of people said they would while only 25% of people said they wouldn’t.

screenshot (40)

This screenshot shows that the people who said no gave the main reason why that they d don’t watch football. Other reasons being that they aren’t a Manchester United fan.

screenshot (41)

screenshot (42)

In these multiple screenshots i had asked people what players they would mainly like to see within the app. Theres quite a mix result and when creating the app I will try to do as many players that have been stated as I can.

screenshot (44)

Within this screenshot I asked if an app on the phone would be suitable for my idea and the majority of people said yes.

screenshot (45)

This screenshot tells me that the reason why there was a no to my question above is because there is too many apps like my idea, could possibly turn this answer in my favour with there being a background and a fact file.

screenshot (46)

screenshot (47)

In these multiple screenshots it tells me that most people like to have an app that is easy, not hard to navigate but have many different features to navigate. While most other replies consist of how the layout should be e.g. diagonal, endless page and layered.




App Builder

To get a feel at all the different type of interactive media there is out there. The next on the list was app building using the website After creating an account with my college google account I was told to create an app based on anything I liked/interested in.

In this screenshot below you can see that I was planning on picking the photography category but before this I was asked what I wanted to call my app so it was called “Jade’s App”. Main reason why I was going for photography though is because if I want to create a fan app I need to make it at least somewhat interactive.


After clicking next on the screenshot above I got this screen shown below. This screenshot below shows the different ways in which the app can be laid out and the one I choose from all the options I felt would be easier and may appeal more.

screen shot 2019-01-15 at 14.48.24

After clicking next from the screenshot below I got this screen that is shown below. This is where I can decide what type of features my app is going to have. There was many things that I could of chose from but I kept the about us part in so anyone downloading the app can understand the reasoning behind the app but why the person behind it is doing it. Put photo and videos in there so people can be interactive with the app.


This screenshot below shows the about us part with text but to the left of this it shows the ability to change the colours of the titles and the sub text with this the fonts and a lot more.


The pros of using this website to create an app is how quick and simple it is. Just a few steps before you are able to customise it the way you want and to the way it will benefit anyone if they download the app. One disadvantage is that some people who aren’t that into using technology might not understand all the different option in which the features of the app can have.

iBooks Author

To start this off I needed to come up with a purpose of the iBook’s Author work. So I chose to do this about NF as I was listening to his music at the time and that’s the only other thing I fully know some things about. Added information about NF, what his name is  and what he does/is.

To add to this I started to gather some pictures that I could use for the galleries. In doing this I had typed in “NF”. Then added more information about the pictures and what they represent about the person. Then to give a person an idea of what type of music NF produces if people didn’t know I used the music video of “Outcast”. In doing this I used to get this video. Reason for this is because this isn’t the deep end of music he can produce and many people wont like the real music he creates. After explaining what that video is in the inserted video box I moved on to do the interactive images. I choose the Bobby Tarantino tour as he was invited to take part and explained what the poster says and how it could help someone trying to get on to that tour by buying tickets in advance but also seeing what states are involved.

The final piece of this is shown below:


The good aspects of this software is that it is quick and easy steps to add pictures and videos as when they are saved all that you need to do is drag them into the space before it is uploaded by the software. Another good thing about this is that it is really easy to use all the tools which is good if someone doesn’t really understand technology or not into really difficult things.

One thing I thought was a bad aspect is that if you write in the box without a text box then the writing changes to a different language, so the one thing that needs to be done is having text boxes inside the box. Another bad aspect to the software is how you cant put much text into a box if you was going to explain something.



Historical Context

John Grierson

John Grierson was one of the first people to use the term ‘documentary’. He declared the documentary to be ‘a creative treatment of actuality’ where early had god narration. He laid some production elements based on what they saw on Grierson, these including footage to tell a dramatic story, documentary interview, post-sync audio and multi-layered sound audio. Grierson project was to create a social democracy but for that to work he needed to citizens to make informed choices. Becoming the new social education delivery system. In his first ever film, drifters, he demonstrated new ways of the use of film by using cinematic power of unstaged actuality, with this using Drifters with a mix of studio and real footage.

Biesterfeld, P. (2019). A Profile of John Grierson, Godfather of DocCinema – Videomaker. [online] Videomaker. Available at: [Accessed 8 Feb. 2019].

Arthur Elton

Joined the Empire Marketing Board which was run by Grierson where was eventually run by him after Grierson left. He worked on multiple film as a director and producer where in 1932s film ‘voice of the world’ was sponsored by his Masters voice. The first example of industrial sponsorship of a documentary. He wanted to make videos that talk to people, for or about Britain’s working people. An example of this is the film Housing Problems in 1935 where the interviews are real footage but the shots were static. The points of the film was mainly directed by the voice overs but to show conditions of which people lived in.

Russell, P. (2019). BFI Screenonline: Elton, Sir Arthur (1906-1973) Biography. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Feb. 2019].

Basil Wright

He wanted to become a creative writer and became involved in Europe’s advanced cinema and started to film things with his own camera. When joining Grierson company he started off by editing to fit EMB purposes. The Song of Ceylon was made when there wasn’t much existence of the mix of sound and video. This film was known for the complex soundtrack, spoken commentary and disjunctive combinations of sound and image. Cultures being shown in a different way from photographs, showing more into Sinhalese life.

Brown, G. and Sexton, J. (2019). BFI Screenonline: Wright, Basil (1907-1987) Biography. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Feb. 2019].

Harry Watt

Harry Watt just like the other few names joined up with Griersons company. Failed a degree when going to Edinburgh University. The had a small stint at merchant navy and industrial farms. Night mail was a film he was involved with but is was one of the most critical films to be produced but the British documentary film movement. Also being the most commercially successful made by the movement. The production of routine films promoted of Post Office services, ambitious productions challenged and experimented with the use of sound, visual style, narrative and editing technique.  Basil Wright and Harry Watt wrote the film.

Enticknap, L. (2019). BFI Screenonline: Watt, Harry (1906-1987) Biography. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Feb. 2019].

Aitken, I. (2019). BFI Screenonline: Night Mail (1936). [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Feb. 2019].

Humphrey Jennings

Humphrey was a filmmaker but also became a photographer, literary critic, theatrical designer, poet, painter and theorist of modern art. By the time 1936 came he had become a leading Modernist and organised the International Surrealist Exhibition in London. Within the film their are shots that show his artistic side for example the Thames sailing barge and the munitions ship being safely underway at the end. Even with the sound, gave a new lease of life in the film industry.

Documentaries have evolved to be more relevant by keeping up with audience changes as well as the trends new audiences can give. By doing this they have had to borrow from fiction, moving to structures to narrative techniques and characterisation. With this before 1960 cameras were heavy and wasn’t very portable where as they are portable and are less weighty.

Narrowcasting tries to target a smaller audience that are more defined within society. They are more likely to have less ratings than broadcasters like YouTube, ITV, BBC and so on as they target audience are based on their demographic desire. Broadcasters like Instagram, Facebook and YouTube try and compete with each other for shares, people viewing videos uploaded and so on. To try and keep up with each other they try out new things for example Instagram brining out IGTV with vertical videos and longer uploads.