Rough Sketches and Considerations


Above is the sketches I created, with writing explaining each part and what I plan to do. This sketch could possibly change when making the menu as I need to think about page size and how I’m going to fit it all into one page, one part may give and I think that will be the two players drawn out because the pitch could be moved landscape and desserts named in one while the other has drinks in like planned. Doing this sketch was important because it gives me an idea what it will look like but also makes it easier seeing this as I don’t have to mess around after creating things to try and make it fit the best of my ability. One thing I missed out in this sketch that if I have room I am going to put the names of the players that died in the Munich Air Disaster as they are the main reason we have a club now and died doing what they loved.

From research conducted I have decided to have red as the background mainly because this is the colour of the club. Going to use the colour black for outlines of drawings drawn out on Affinity (shown above) so then this doesn’t override the menu itself, with this black also being a club colour for many seasons. Going to have white as the writing so this is shown over the colours as the red is going to be a darker colour but also in the past it has been a club kit colour. When it comes to making this menu I am going to test out many fonts as I want a mix of classy but also simple so it is easy to read making it easier for the customer/client.

The layers are going to be quite different. To start with it will be a background, other things like the lines and curves will be grouped into a layer so I can move it all at once while still being able to change parts by double clicking on the things I want to change, this will be done for each drawing I want to create. Most of the text is also going to be grouped but some will be a layer itself because I can move it on its own but it is individual for moving in a way I want it to be.


Documentary Script

Below is the documentary script for my idea. This was important for me to do because then the person involved can have a visual idea of what I want the final film will look like but also gives them an opportunity to prepare to the best of their ability for the shoot. With this it helps me in knowing the things that I want to include in the short film audio wise. Main one being smooth and calm audio even when the person is speaking or when bit of the game audio is within the film.

Documentary Script


Risk Assessment

The location recce and risk assessment is important to do because it allows me to recognise the problems that could possibly happen when creating the project and how I can control it. The Location Recce is also a good indiction so it is known some important so then it is made to someones attention some key components that can keep every person aware of risks, entrances and so on.

Location Recce and Risk Assessment

Call Sheet, Permission Locations and Consent Contributor

The link below is the call sheet. This allows everyone that is in the film/interview being aware of what times they are going to be filmed/interviewed. With this knowing the character involved in the videos details but also the person producing the video.

Call Sheet

The location permission document is important because it allows me to have permission to film in the locations. Helps make the owner of the house aware of what times I’m going to be filming and the day. The other details are mainly for the owner to know and is a legal contract so cant take it back.

Location Permission


The consent contributor is important because anyone that is included in the video could turn around and say no they don’t want to be involved anymore in the video, that’s why this legal document is important once it has been signed because they cant go back on it. With this any copyright, editing and any other things that need to be done to the film is allowed.


Location Recce and Risk Assessment

The location recce and risk assessment is important to do because it allows me to recognise the problems that could possibly happen when creating the project and how I can control it. The Location Recce is also a good indiction so it is known some important so then it is made to someones attention some key components that can keep every person aware of risks, entrances and so on.

Location Recce and Risk Assessment


Copyright Considerations

The potential impact of using any images of using somebody else’s work, for in my case pictures, is a long process and there is a few things that cant be done without the permission of the creator. These include copying the work, rend, lend or sell copies to the public, perform, broadcast or show the work in public and adapt the work. If I need to abide by this I will ask the original owner if I can use the idea in an app before I use anyones work.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

The legal considerations I have to consider is Copyright, Human Rights Act and Defamation Act. In short terms Copyright stops people from stealing your work. To stick by these rules I will ask the creator if I can use their work and even prove that some of it was their work. The human right act protects everyone whether you are young, old, rich, poor and so on. This act allows people to defend their rights in court and to public organisations. The Defamation Act is basically the right and freedom of expression, with this. With this mind it gives people a chance to rescue their reputation.

The ethical constraints that need to be considered are the restrictions that are placed on media productions that stops offence to the viewers and listeners. In the UK there is many organisations that monitor the content and these are BBFC for film, OFCOM for TV and radio, ASA for advertising. With this one I don’t need to consider these because I am not making a film, anything for radio and TV or advertising.

Production Schedule

It is important that I do a production schedule so then i’m aware of what I need to do in all lessons and be caught up to meet the deadline.

In this screenshot below the time left from now is filled with things I have to go ahead and do.


In this screenshot it is showing the notes I have made within the system so I know what I need to do before i’ve completely finished this stage.


In this screenshot below shows what I need to do in the next week. Practical being mainly on Affinity design trying to create my piece.


In this screenshot it is showing that I will have time to reflect on the work I have done. What went right, what went wrong and so on.



The title of my project is Manchester United fan app.

The target audience doesn’t affect the gender both genders can watch football and understand things about the beautiful game. The age of my target audience can be of any age as long as they have a phone. Because the app is going to be free I hope to aim for social demographics like this app.

One of the key research I think is my primary research one as it gives me an idea on what type of players people would want if they are a united fan or not. Allowed me to see many different views to start with because I needed to know if the idea was a good one and if it was worth is with there being quite a few apps already like this, even with the official app being out. Another main reason why my primary research was important was so then I could ask people what the layout they would prefer of the app. I gathered that the main one was that it has to be easy/complex and from the secondary research I realised that not everyone is going to know how to use a phone fully so I have to take that to mind. Secondary research was important so I knew how other apps similar run, what to do to try and have a successful app and many things like this.

The product I want to finish with is an app that consists of background of Manchester United players, with this I want to give some information about these players that people may not be aware off. I wanted to do this because as a united fan I would like apps like this and could be a way of communicating with other fans by downloading and bonding over it. The designs are going to be off different range so it doesn’t get boring and the players can have their own identity within the pictures. After doing research I have gathered that not everyone using a phone may not understand some things so i’m going to make sure this is easy to navigate for the less tech people. The audience will have an important role when i’m creating the app as stated above for the easiness of the app but also if I do something wrong or give feedback, I will improve it. With this in mind I will be testing the app with someone who is less tech worthy and a United fan as this is the target audience too.

The equipment I will need in this project is a Mac, the website and with this photoshop to create some of the backgrounds, if i’m not able to copy some while giving credit.

I feel like the project will take at least 3 weeks including planning, production and post production. In my production schedule I gave myself two days to plan out the app while the production time is at least two and a half weeks. In this time I will have designed the app, asked for feedback and then improve based on that feedback. For post production I have given myself two days for the evaluation of the app.