Call Sheet, Permission Locations and Consent Contributor

The link below is the call sheet. This allows everyone that is in the film/interview being aware of what times they are going to be filmed/interviewed. With this knowing the character involved in the videos details but also the person producing the video.

Call Sheet

The location permission document is important because it allows me to have permission to film in the locations. Helps make the owner of the house aware of what times I’m going to be filming and the day. The other details are mainly for the owner to know and is a legal contract so cant take it back.

Location Permission


The consent contributor is important because anyone that is included in the video could turn around and say no they don’t want to be involved anymore in the video, that’s why this legal document is important once it has been signed because they cant go back on it. With this any copyright, editing and any other things that need to be done to the film is allowed.


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