Demographics and VALS

Demographic are quick and simple way in which audiences are categorised.  They can be categorised by:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Social demographics which include lower (D,E), medium (C1,C2) and higher class (A,B).
  • Income levels
  • Education levels

It doesn’t matter the demographic, the individual audience is defined by their values, attitudes and lifestyle. Young and Rubicam developed this for marketing companies which is more specific to advertising. Some products tend to have a wider appeal but the categorisation is based on the one of seven areas but mainly looks at the persons outlook on life.

The aspirer likes to be high up in status and how they are thought about. They do their best to buy fashionable and expensive brands. Can be influenced by celebrity endorsements. The explorer are people who are driven by the need of discovery, challenge and new experiences. Like to try out new and emerging brans and products. The mainstream is normally the largest group as they keep with current popular trends. Tend to go with tried and trusted products and wont often go out their comfort zones. The reformer values their own independent judgement, and are not often influenced by brandings and popular trends. They are socially are of issues and often only buy branded products when essential. The resigned are predominantly older people with consent unchanging values built up over time. Often cant reason with contemporary issues. The strugglers live for today and make few plans for tomorrow. They decide things on a whim and they often seek escape from reality. The succeeder possess huge self confidence, tend to occupy positions in reality. They will consume products because they feel they deserve the beneficial gain.

Surveys are a way in which a person or a company can ask a range of questions or a question about a product to a range of people that may be interested in that product/products. With this get opinions of the people asked. Pros of surveys is that they are cheap to create. Another pro is that there is many ways in which surveys can be given out e.g. by hand or via email. They can also give some precise answers depending on the type of questions asked. The cons of surveys is that if you ask someone you know they may not answer correctly and may contradict with other answers. Another con is that the design of the survey cannot be changed through out or someone may think it is something else.


In this survey I went onto Instagram and asked my Instagram followers which genre is better with options of horror or action. I should of said “what genre do you prefer” over “which genre is better”. Found out that the majority of my followers like horror over action. If I was to gather more I would use horror going forward along with other genres to see what the main genre would be liked. A problem with the survey I did is the fact more people that follow me are around my age, this means if I asked someone older then this could of been different.

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