Location Recce and Risk Assessment

Location Recce and Risk Assessment

Location Recce

As part of taking photographs of someone/group of people I have to do a Location Recce based on the place I’m going to be doing this. This is helpful towards the models because then they know where they need to stand, what light I hope on using and other key information that will help them. This is also good for the people that rent/own the house because they know why and when I want to take photographs but also any risks I have gathered from doing the risk assessment and how I am willing to make sure everyone is safe. Other things is to show that I have permission to do what I want within the house with my ideas to come out within the pictures. Other things that this tells people is the electricity supply whether this is needed or not and also the sun being at a point because this may cause a blur on the screen.

Risk Assessment

As part of taking photographs of people I need to do a risk assessment based on the problems that could happen when gathering the pictures but also getting to the place that could also pose the risk. The reason why the media industry do risk assessments is so then they have a way in which they can resolve it, the whole company and productions stick to what is written out. Its the most simple things that can be a risk more than thought e.g. when trying to gather photographs the things in which is around like tables or things hanging around the house. It helps the models know as well what kind of risk that they are in when they are trying to get into areas I want when I want to take photographs, knowing the risks can help them to be careful but more confident that they have been recognised.


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