Research: Audiences interest

The research i need to complete is based on the genre horror because this is the genre i want to go down. I need to know what ages would mostly be interested in a new horror film, what social class are more likely to watch (lower, medium and higher) and the gender. The reason why I need to find this out is so that when I’m creating the poster for the film then I need to aim it at these type of people, so the more people are interested by the poster will possibly watch the film.

In the link above on page 29 there was a survey completed that asked what film genre is preferred with statistics of male and female. With this options for the minority ethnic group and also white. From this I found that 27% of people watched a horror film, males percentage being 33% while female was 38% and white 27%. Also ethnic minority being recorded at 31%. This is important to know because I can gather what type of people would possibly watch, mainly important the gender as I want to interest both genders.

In the link about on page 105 the chart used states what 16 years and above like to watch the most (GB). Thriller/suspense is 53% of people while horror is 32%. This tells me I need to aim anything horror for ages 16+ and nothing below within my work. Also on page 106 there is a table that shows all the genres but also the last part shoes the social class that is more likely to watch each genre. I can gather that the social class C2 is more likely to watch a film so I need to aim for this when trying to create a horror theme within my work.



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