Contextual Awareness

Image result for horror

In the picture above there is mostly darkness surrounding the creature. Only 69light that is shown is through the window, showing the person clearer than if the dark shadows covered more than the light and the window being covered by the creature. This is similar to other pictures that i have used in other blog posts because the main colours may be picked off from the original picture to add effect to the picture, giving it a point of dramatic interest making the viewer scared as to what is going to happen to the girl in the picture. The influence in this picture that if i use a dark room when taking photographs i could use a small window to give off natural light but not showing too much, just enough to prove that the person/creature is there.

The techniques that have been used in this picture is low angle so the characters can be seen but also to understand the surroundings. Used the natural light to their advantage, with the creature being basically over her which makes it feel like blinds or curtains are shut. The style of this is a theme of black and white, gives of the effect that its meant to be there while the girl is oblivious to everything and anything. The image is shot quite well, the attention to detail is thought about when the photos was being took.

Image result for horror

In the picture above is what looks to be woods, dark and has untold truths. Eerie feeling. This would be the perfect to set a scene in a horror film as many bodies could be hidden there but also because someone can make it look like a hanging. This would set the scene in a film cause anything could be around any of the trees. This picture doesn’t really correlate with other pictures I have collected but it is inspiration because when I create my poster I need to decide fully on how I am going to make the scene almost eerie, making people believe that this is the next best film that needs to be watched.

The techniques used within this picture is a wide 90 degree shot of the area that is in front, small details can be seen but the depth is shown of the woods and theres possibly no where to run if caught in there. The style of the picture is almost giving off an old feeling because of how dull and dark the woods look, also gives that eerie feeling which is key in a horror film e.g. IT and the drain scene. The layout is mainly of trees but also off twigs that have fallen off. The colours used are black (mud/soil, trees and no light coming through.

Image result for horror

In the above picture the house could be one of a haunted house, looking like a normal house with the sunset going down around. Although this can be seen as the sunset, it gives off that there might be a fire because of the reflection through the top windows. With the sunset and trees it gives an eerie feel because of the darker areas round the trees and the house doesn’t look inviting by being by itself. This would be good in a horror film as it sets the scene, with the only light coming through is from the windows which means anything could be hidden within the windows that anyone from the outside wouldn’t know. This picture doesn’t correlate with other research because i dad searched more on the lighting, faces and creatures in which could inspire my project on. The inspiration in this photo is how in which natural things like sunsets can help me set the scene, another example is the trees around because they are darker while the house is made the main example of the photo.

The techniques that is used in this project is a wide 90 degree shot of the area that is in front, while natural light is used to their advantage to create the scene that is needed. The style of the picture isn’t modern because of how the house has been built, has panels on the front of house, modern houses are left with bricks. While the has is alone and non others around then this creates an eerie style to because of the woodland around the house.

Image result for A Nightmare on Elm Street

In the picture above there is a character within a horror film, can easily tell that this person is the bad guy in the film. When the picture/video was took it solely focused on the guy rather than the background. This was one of the main techniques used as this can be a option on cameras for filming and taking photographs where it allows to keep focus of a person/object while the background may be pixelated and not there. The styles within the pictures is old fashioned, mostly fabric e.g. the claw plus and scrap material.

The layout is mainly focused on the character in this picture, this would make me realise its a possible horror because of the characters disfigured face but also the claw type thing for the hand. The colours used in this image are main colours of red, brown and black with the claw having a rusty look.

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