Hidden within Horror

One thing that can occur in horror genre films is that the main horror character has a hidden identity so people don’t know who it is. This allows the companies that create films to keep it within their genre e.g. horror. An example of this is:

In this clip the main focus is around a nun which is shown in a portrait at the beginning. While the alive nun is possibly having dreams about this, then explaining it to someone of importance. The real reason why I chose this as my example is because later on in the trailer when exploring underground, what looks to be the main character goes exploring and at one point doesn’t know there is another nun behind her with the face being fully black. This relates with hidden because hidden can mean many things but it this case the nun has a hidden identity with the fully blacked out face, while the nun that comes across is hidden by the costume that is being worn as its swinging. This is the type of idea I want to use in my project.


I researched in google horror film posters because I wanted to see how some horror posters are created. The reason for this is because I am going to be creating a poster from my ideas. This inspires me because it tells me some of the things that need to be added to a poster that could possibly turn into a film but also because there isn’t a wide range of colours used. Its almost like the person/doll in the picture has another side to them, other creature and this is shown by some of face being ripped open by what looks like a claw. This correlates with my idea because of the part of the face that is missing. The colours helping me realise that to add affect or make something stand out the colour black, being the background can help this.


I researched in google hidden horror. This is where I came across many different pictures. The reason why I chose this one is because even though their are hands showing on multiple different trees, everything else (body) is hidden. I wanted to see how other things like lighting can set a scene in which could make a normal image look more spookier. This could inspire some of my work because I need to make my poster fit into the genre of choice, also need to make sure that it may appeal to the audience but also make sure everything correlates with original idea.



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