Treatment, Location Recce and Risk assessment

Title: The Meeting

Target Audience: The target audience can be bother female and male, over 15 and must be interested in horror genres. Film can be for all social demographic e.g. lower class, medium class and higher class. The reason for this is because it will be cheap.

Summary of research: I went onto YouTube to find horror film trailers that might add to my original ideas. Based on the research I have conducted the most important information that I got is the ways in which the camera crew and director took each shot e.g. behind shot when getting attacked by the horror monster and a front shot when two people are talking. Another important thing from the research I conducted is the way in which music is added for suspense in the editing part which keeps you gripped but also animations of a flashing light bulb at the end of the trailer or end of scenes give more suspense.

I intend to use an area that is covered by trees in a park that is and would be used by anyone in public. The reason for this is because no one would walk into a house in a clown costume like its normal.  I intend on using a similar idea to end of the film when editing the piece. With the use of the clown and the bat is to make it seem scary to fit the genre.

My Product: In the film i am going to be going down a horror genre for my filming. Im going to start by showing the two main characters who are going for a walk in the first scene, completely oblivious as its like any other day. I am then going to cut to another scene of the clown waiting in the hiding space, smacking the bat on his hand and also swinging it around, waiting impatiently. Then it cuts back to the two main characters who just want to go back home like another person would after the trial. They carry on walking to the area the clown is where they don’t realise there is anyone or anything around them. They continue a conversation like they was doing while on the trial, taking a break because they had been walking for sometimes and was easier to stop half way through to catch their breathe than to continue than get home and be extremely tired. The two main characters wasn’t expecting the next thing, the clown comes round the corner with the bat in his hand. Both characters are shell shocked and stand where they are not knowing what to do or say.

The main characters start to panic and start to talk to try and get out of the situation they are in. They start to say things that they hope will help them get away of the situation they have now found themselves into in a quick sudden of time. The clown just laughs at them while thinking what he should do to these people. Should he go down of using the bat or should he just let them go? Is there any need? Apart from the joy of scaring or hurting somebody. Only while he was laughing and they was scared on the floor, they was planning their escape while the clown walks around them. As soon as the clown isn’t looking the mother gets up and starts running but the son doesn’t get up as fast and the clown realises the attempt. Catches up to the mother and forces her back to where her son is and thinks a little more before deciding time is up because he cant risk another run away and he cant believe that the “you didn’t see us and we didn’t see you” cause the clown cant risk the place he built up to be exposed.

The best way to carry out the act of violence which had gone to far out of his plan was to use the weapon like one of his earlier thoughts, he just wanted to play with the people first though not expecting a getaway attempt. So he does, he starts to hit the son first while the mother watches, mentally torturing the mother. When he was sure the son was dead he moves over to the mother but only beats her till she closes her eyes but is still alive in some part and walks off taking the bat with so no traces can be left to him even if she survives.

Props/resources/equipment requirement/locations/cast: The props I’m going to use within my film is a bat. This is the main prop within my film as explained above as what I plan to use it for. Resources that I should be using is a mask and clothing that may make the clown look scary. The equipment I require when filming is a tripod and a video recorder. The location I am going to be filming at is Worden Park because that has the most wooded areas in Leyland. Cast includes is the person who films and directs (me), clown (Scott) and the two main characters (Arron and Kim).

Outlined project schedule: I think the making of this film will approximately take 2 weeks to complete. This is because of the planning and mainly creating ideas but then also filming. Filming could take up to an hour. Mainly because if someone doesn’t understand the scene then they can explain before continuing. Another reason why is make up too an hour is also because of the time it takes to get all characters ready and in their costumes. After production it may take at least a day to edit the video down into the way I like before it is fully completed.

Budget: The budget for this video/film is around £100.


Location Recce


As part of filming I have to do a Location Recce based on the place I’m going to be filming at. This helps with areas that may not be known by the actors e.g. where to get food, parking, how easy the access is and the availability of the park when we are going to film. This is also good for the people that own the Park because they know why and when I want to film but also any risks I have gathered from doing the risk assessment and how I am willing to make sure everyone is safe. Other things is to show that I have permission as long as I don’t film people on the park if they don’t want (background). Other things that this tells people is the electricity supply whether this is needed or not and also the sun being at a point because this may cause a blur on the screen.

Risk assessment

Location Risk Assessment Form

As part of filming I need to do a risk assessment based on the problems that could happen when shooting the film but also getting to the place that could also pose the risk. The reason why the media industry do risk assessments is so then they have a way in which they can resolve it, the whole company and productions stick to what is written out. Its the most simple things that can be a risk more than thought e.g. filming in a wooded area there is going to be chances of branches and twigs falling if windy or naturally. It helps the actors know as well what kind of risk that they are in when filming, knowing the risks can help them to be careful but more confident that they have been recognised.

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