Water bottle fountain sequence

In class we discussed terms like continuity of action, cut in, jump cut, leading space, 180 degree rule. Continuity of action would be used in practical work when the actor is going to keep the same pace e.g. when walking, talking and a lot more that can easily be affected when being filmed. Cut in will be used when more that one set/place is needed to be filmed, an example of this would be having two different clips don’t go in a continuous loop so you might use transitions or effects from one to the other clip. When using jump cut in any college work id have to have the same thing being recorded in the same area with only a little difference of camera angle that would show me jumping forward in time. If I use the 180 degree rule when filming something then I would use it when two people are having a conversation and make sure I keep the filming in the same place all the way round the two characters.

When taking on the role of director I found it quite easy to direct the cast and crew because they was free to listen to my ideas but also advance on the ideas going but they also did everything that was asked. The things that I would do differently on set next time would be to make sure everybody is doing something that can benefit the people around. The things that went really well is the fact the actor knew exactly as he/she was told to and at a reasonable speed so the person operating the camera can move the camera at the same speed when intended. As well as this we worked well as a team to make sure everyone was ready at intended places before recording, moving etc. When I was directed when I was operating the camera I was directed well. I was told where I should be placed, what I need to record before stopping and was also helped setting the camera at the right height from using the tripod. I learned what to press to start to record, how to make the camera focused on the person but also the words that everyone around you know means filming or being ready to film. Below are some pictures that was taken showing what was happening when recording.


First edit of water bottle fountain sequence:


Final edit of water bottle fountain sequence:


In the first edit the sequence was put together quite well apart from some parts it is choppy because the actor doesn’t straight away walk or the walk is slower cause the pace hasn’t been kept through the filming. So in a further edit I would speed up the shot where the actor is going slower. Id also change the sound because in the background you can hear a lot of talking and not really any sound affects apart from a little sound from the water filling area. The way in which the order was done from the first to the finished version was the same, nothing needed changing based on the order. The reason for this is because even if we filmed something again then as a group we made sure that it was done in the exact way as other the original one.

In one of the clips you can see the actor walking towards the water bottle filler machine going slower than in other clips so this needed speeding up so the pace of the video could stay the same. When I cut in on the first edit and the last edit is when the person carries on walking instead of standing and then walking. With the rules of continuity in mind I think that the idea of this can apply to my edit because the person continues to walk in different shot angles but some shots leading to others are a bit jumpy. If I was to do this again then the thing I would do different while filming is making sure that the actor stays exactly in the right place without having some movements that might affect it from the point of being the hand moving or something similar.


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